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The Aspects of Law and Social Policy as the Constitution of the Model 'Welfare State'
作者 張桐銳
The article attempts to sketch the outline of the model of 'the welfare state' from the aspects of social policy and law. For social policy, this text points out, the 'differentiation of state and society' is the conceptual prerequisite of the welfare state. Its operational logic is 'the principle of compensation', the welfare state corrects also problems in capitalist society and engages in controlling. With the realization of 'the principle of inclusion' in political system (namely democratization), the trend of social welfare are expanding constantly. Finally, the income redistribution is the distinction between the control of social policy and the other ways of control. From the angle of the law, this text states firstly the characteristic of legal controls and the form of the welfare law, then the problem of legal controls in welfare state and possible countermeasure. In summary it may be said, that the welfare state is a kind of state controlling the society. The demands for legal controls come from not only increase of the task, but also the controls themselves. To fulfill legal controls, it takes a wise, dedicated, and thorough plan, and it challenges severely to the political system When a society is dominated by the political logic is unlikely to succeed in this great challenge.
起訖頁 5-37
關鍵詞 社會政策法律管制國家與社會之區分補救原則納入原則重分配條件程式目的程式福利多元主義social policylegal controldifferentiation of state and societythe principle of compensationthe principle of inclusionredistribution of incomeconditional programfinal programwelfare-pluralism
刊名 思與言  
期數 200609 (44:3期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 「臺灣法學研究新趨勢專輯 」前言
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