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中醫藥雜誌 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

作者 施洪飛項平唐善永
目的:為了研究中國藥膳的配伍規律和烹飪加工特點。方法:用 Visual FoxPro 5.0關係型數據庫語言對從《中國藥膳大辭典》中抽出的1287 條藥膳的出處,配方中中藥、食藥及食物使用種數和重量情況,配方使用中藥、食藥、食物種類及其出現頻率,中藥、食藥與食物的配伍情況,藥膳成形的類型及其出現頻率等進行統計分析。結果: 統計表明本研究所採用的藥膳方包含了歷代各類226 種文獻;藥膳配方中中藥與食藥所佔的比例要小於食物所佔的比例; 具有補氣、補血、養陰等作用的中藥、食藥、食物使用頻率較高,中藥如黨參、黃耆、當歸、麥冬、人參、生地、沙參、白朮、玉竹、石斛等,食藥如山藥、蜂蜜、枸杞、蓮子、苡仁、大棗、龍眼肉等,食物如粳米、白糖、雞蛋、精肉、糯米、紅糖、母雞、冰搪、麵粉等;中藥人參、沙參、當歸、黃耆、菟絲子、草果、肉蓯蓉、何首烏、蒼朮、玉竹等與食物雞蛋、白糖、茶葉、精肉、糯米、火腿、冰糖、黑芝麻、紅茶、母雞、牛肉等配伍使用最多,食藥蓮子、山藥、枸杞、苡仁、紅棗、芡實、豆豉、蜂蜜、扁豆、百合等與食物粳米、白糖、茶葉、糯米、核桃、精肉、蜜櫻桃、麵粉等配伍使用較多。而食物粳米與中藥、食藥的配伍應用十分廣泛,粳米藥膳已經成為藥膳的一個重要組成部分;菜餚類型所佔的比例最大,湯、酒、粥、羹、茶、飲也佔有較高比例。The Objective: Study the principles and characteristics of blending, preparing and prescribing the medicated diets. The Approach: Use Visual FoxPro 5.0 to build a databank of medicated diet recipes and prescriptions extracted from The Chinese Medicated Diet Dictionary. Statistical analysis of a total 1,278 prescription recipes of medicated diets from The Chinese Medicated Diet Dictionary, with focus on the categories and the metric details of medicated food, food-medicines and traditional Chinese medicines applied in prescriptions. The formation of medicated diets and the frequency of their applications are also analyzed and studied using the statistical approach. Result: The statistics indicate that the prescription recipes for this study have included those scattered in 226 kinds of classics throughout history. The prescription composition in percentage found a smaller proportion of medicines and food-medicines than that of the food materials, and thus a smaller prescription dosage of medical materials than that of the regular Chinese medicines. The medicines, the foods and the food-medicines are found to be functional and effective for tonifying Qi or enriching the blood and nourishing Yin . The ingredients of medicated diets include: asia bell, Astragalus membranaceus, Chinese angelica root, lily turf root, ginseng, dried rehmannia root, glehnia, white atractylodes rhizome, fragrant solomonseal, dendrobium, food-medicines such as Chinese yam, honey, wolfberry fruit, lotus seed, Coix lachryma-jobi L, Chinese dates, longan aril and the polished round-grained rice, brown sugar, egg, pork, polished glutinous rice, raw sugar, hen, crystal sugar, wheat flour. The medical ginseng, glehnia, Chinese angelica root, Astragalus membranaceus, seed of dodder, tsaoko, desertliving cistanche, fleece-lower root, Atractylodes lancea, fragrant solomonseal are combined with the foods egg, brown sugar, tea, pork, polished glutinous rice, ham, crystal sugar, black sesame seed, black tea, hen, beef frequently. The food-medicines lotus seed, Chinese yam, wolfberry fruit, Coix lachryma-jobi L, jujube paste, euryale seed, prepared soybean, honey, hyacinth bean, lily bulb are commonly blended with the foods polished round-grained rice, brown sugar, tea, polished glutinous rice, walnut kernul, pork, cherry, wheat flour. The polished round-grained rice is traditionally blended with the medicines and the food-medicines. Statistics also indicate that the cooked foods are most commonly prescribed as medicated diets for medical applications and they include the soup, the wine, the gruel, the thick soup, the tea and the drinks.
起訖頁 99-108
關鍵詞 類風濕性關節炎中醫辨證多元尺度法 Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)Pattern identificationMulti-dimension scaling (MDS).
刊名 中醫藥雜誌  
期數 200106 (12:2期)
出版單位 衛生福利部國家中醫藥研究所(原:國立中國醫藥研究所)
該期刊-上一篇 毛細管電泳測定雷公藤多片中雷公藤內酯酮和雷公藤內酯醇
該期刊-下一篇 乳藤(Ecdysanthera utilis Hayata)之藥理活性評估




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