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Difficulties%2C Needs%2C and Challenges of School-based Mental Health Services: A Perspective of Junior High School Counselors in Taipei.
作者 林郁倫陳婉真 (Wan-Chen Chen)林耀盛 (Yaw-Sheng Lin)王鍾和
研究目的:台北市教育局於2010年正式設置「台北市學生輔導諮商中心 」, 期望透過心理專業人員的加 入,提升中小學輔導工作品質。本研究欲探究對於學校輔導人員而言,學校輔導工作的困境為何?對於心理師 引入校園的期待為何?以及學校輔導系統如何與心理師系統發展跨專業合作模式等議題。研究方法:本研究以 目前在國中服務之輔導工作者(包含輔導主任、組長、輔導教師)為研究對象,進行一對一半結構式訪談,共 訪談五位。以紮根理論為研究方法,透過逐字稿分析、編碼,將實務工作現場所呈現之資料建構出歸納式結論。 研究結果:(一)學校輔導之主要困境:學生家庭的溝通與介入、授課負擔重及工作熱忱耗竭、系統性困境、校 內處室合作與輔導室同仁合作問題。(二)校方對心理師之期待:「證照」帶來的「保證」、「信任感」,甚至具有 「月暈效應」和「不可質疑性」;然而心理師效能的關鍵因素並非專業知識或技術,而是「專業風格」,包括: 實際處理個案的能力、個人特質、系統整合能力、情境能力。(三)校方與心理師之「合作模式」與「合作關係」: 合作模式在角色定位差異的情況下,可分為:專業競爭與精緻分工;合作關係則分為:階級關係─地位與權力 不平等、一體關係─平等彼此融入。
In August 2010, the Taipei City Department of Education officially established the Taipei Student Counseling Center, which is staffed with counseling psychologists and social worker to improve the professionalism and quality of school guidance networks. However, still in its infancy, the system is struggling in the conflict between competition and cooperation. Nevertheless, interdisciplinary professional school guidance resource collaboration is important, and this study explored issues such as the needs and expectations of school guidance systems, impact and challenges of psychologist involvement in campus, integration between school guidance systems and psychologists, and the development of interdisciplinary cooperation model. Using semi-structured interviews, data are collected from 5 guidance workers (including managers and teachers) working in Taipei junior high schools. The data were transcribed, analyzed, and coded, and grounding theory methodology was used to construct the new working model. Results showed three major themes in the narratives. The first theme centered on existing challenges confronting school guidance, namely student family communication and involvement, guidance worker teaching overload and subsequent diminishing motivation, and systematic burdens such as policy advocacy, inter-departmental cooperation, and colleague relationship with respect to guidance. The second theme involves school expectations toward psychologists, such as “guarantee,” “trust” and even “halo effect” and “impressions of being indisputable” as a result of their “license” qualification. Yet the key to effectiveness is not in professional knowledge or techniques guaranteed by licenses, but rather in professional styles such as practical competence, personal traits, knowledge integration, and situational ability. The third theme concerns cooperation and partnership between schools and psychologists. Approaches to cooperation models can be divided into professional competition and specialized division of labor; and partnership can be divided into rank relationship such as unequal status and power, and equal status relations. Based on the above findings, the researchers made recommendations for future studies in school-based mental health services and guidance professionals.
起訖頁 037-046
關鍵詞 學校輔導心理師駐區服務質性研究跨專業合作專業風格school guidanceschool-based mental health servicesinterdisciplinary collaborationprofessional stylequalitative study
刊名 輔導與諮商學報  
期數 201405 (36:1期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系
該期刊-上一篇 有問題的網路使用:是外在問題、也是自我/關係修復的嘗試
該期刊-下一篇 希望理論運用在單親女性新移民個別諮商之個案研究




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