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Problematic Internet Use: Problem manifestation and attempt to compensate self-esteem or relational problems
作者 許韶玲施香如 (Hsiang-Ju Shih)
本研究旨在探究以人際互動為本質的有問題網路使用者之外顯行為特徵及其內在心理意義、並進一步檢視 其背後所反映出的心理問題與發展脈絡。透過立意取樣的方式,我們找到一位曾經對網路聊天室有過度使用而 造成身心功能受損情形的當事人,透過2 次約3 小時的深度訪談。我們發現,就外在層面而言,當事人的網路 使用的確已失去控制,且造成生活中的問題,而構成以衝動控制為本質的有問題網路使用之診斷準則。從內在 心理層面來看,則可發現兩個雙重意義,就消極層面而言,網路聊天室提供了一個緩衝外在挫折的避難空間; 就積極層面而言,網路聊天室則提供了一個嘗試修復自我與關係的實驗場,後者所反映出的自我/人際問題,本 研究亦從當事人成長於父母缺席的家庭環境,常感安全感匱乏的家庭脈絡,以及經歷不斷受罰的學校生活、人 際不確定感、以及自我認同與人際歸屬混淆等成長歷程窺得梗概。
This study explored the behavioral and psychological characteristics of a problematic Internet user addicted to online social interaction, and tried to figure out what was the disturbances she met and how they developed. The female subject was excessively using the chat room, resulting in impairments in her daily life. Two sessions of in-depth interviews were conducted (about3 hours), focusing on the psychological meaning of her problematic Internet use, specifically how the Internet was used to express or solve her psychological difficulties or problems. The results showed that the subject met diagnostic criteria for “problematic Internet use” because despite certain benefits, her Internet use was out of control and caused problems in her daily life. In addition, her Internet use had double psychological significance. Passively, she used the chat room to buffer herself from external or real world frustrations; and actively, she used the chat room as a laboratory for trying to repair self-esteem or relational problems, which could be traced to her family context and developmental history.
起訖頁 021-036
關鍵詞 有問題的網路使用網路成癮網路聊天室chat roomInternet Addictionproblematic internet using
刊名 輔導與諮商學報  
期數 201405 (36:1期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系
該期刊-上一篇 大學生對認知治療團體之重要事件知覺分析初探
該期刊-下一篇 心理師校園駐區服務的困境、需求與挑戰由台北市國中輔導人員之觀點




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