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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
Analysis of Verbal Interactions in a Suffering Story-telling Group |
作者 |
陳增穎 |
中文摘要 |
本研究以平一團體六次的團體過程,分析受苦生命故事敘說團體成員間的口語互動,採用內容 分析法,將團體的對話與內容加以系統性的分析與歸類。團體成員為在職之圈中老師,共有五位成 員自願分享受苦生命故事,對學生及家人死亡、感情失落、寵物分離等。研究結果發現成員在聽完 受苦生命故事後,口語互動內容可分為四大主題,包括:表達正向情感( 以鼓勵與包容的言語創造 有助於敘說的氧氣、建投性的分享與回做促進雙向述結) :提供問題解決的策略( 傳達資訊與直接引 導、處理想法以促進洞察) : 偏離主題的五動( 問問題與回答問題的誤差、成員的田應方式降低團體 的此時此地) 與互動的後續效應( 成員對敘說者的受苦故事產生替代性受創的反應)。文末根捧研究 結果加以討論,並提出研究者的省思與建議。 |
英文摘要 |
The purpose of this study was to understand the verbal interaction between members in a suffering story-telling group. A six sessions , 18 hours' small group was conducted and all the conversations between members were categorized. The results showed that there were 5 participants disclosed their suffering stories about accidental death of close family or students, unaccepted intimate relationship and separated from long-accompanying pet. Members' verbal interaction included four themes: expressing positive feelings (encouraging group atmosphere and mutual bonding), providing problem-solving strategies (imparting information and direct guidance) , straying from the main subject {deviation between asking and answering questions, here and now decreased), and effect after interaction (vicarious traumatization responses). Further discussion and suggestions were also presented in the article. |
起訖頁 |
075-095 |
關鍵詞 |
口語互動、受苦生命故事、團體成員、group、story-telling、suffering、verbal interactions |
刊名 |
輔導與諮商學報 |
期數 |
201311 (35:2期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
以自重與尊重對方為導向之國中青少女戀愛關係團體諮商方案成效研究 |