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The Development and Study of Tutor-Student Interaction Scale for College Students
作者 黃韞臻 (Yun-Chen Huang)林淑惠 (Shu-Hui Lin)
本研究主要在建構一份適合評量導師生互動關係的量表,以瞭解大學生知覺導師生互動關係的 現況,並比較不同導師生性別、導師帶班時間在師生互動上的差異。文中以LISREL 進行驗證性因 素分析考驗量表之建構效度,並使用SPSS 進行描述統計、卡方檢定及變異數分析。主要結論如下: 一、「大學導師生互動關係量表」包含「影響力」與「親近性」二個因素,驗證性因素分析顯示此量 表具有不錯的信度與效度,經由複核效化檢驗顯示量表具有跨樣本的穩定性。二、研究結果顯示大 學導師生互動程度在「影響力」方面為中等,「親近性」方面則偏低。三、女學生知覺導師在「親近 性」的感受高於男學生;而學生知覺與女老師的互動程度皆高於男老師。四、導師帶班時間在1 年 內者,學生知覺其「親近性」較低。
The main purposes of this research were to develop a tutor-student interaction scale for college students and investigate the current relationships between tutors and students. Furthermore, we compared tutor-student interaction with different sex combinations, and the duration of being a tutor in the current class. We verified the tutor-student interaction model in confirmatory factor analysis by applying LISREL8.70, and used SPSS to perform the descriptive statistics, chi-square test and MANOVA analyses. The major findings of the study are presented as follows: (1) “tutor-student interaction scale for college students” was divided into “influence” and “proximity” dimensions. The scale was verified to have good reliability and validity through confirmatory factor analysis and have stability after checking the cross-validation. (2) Tutor- student interaction in college was middle “influence” and lower “proximity”. (3) Female students felt higher proximity than male students; female tutors showed higher interaction with students than male tutors. (4) Students felt lower proximity with those tutors which were in the current class less than one year.
起訖頁 089-109
關鍵詞 量表發展導師生互動影響力親近性development of scaletutor-student interactioninfluenceproximity
刊名 輔導與諮商學報  
期數 201305 (35:1期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系
該期刊-上一篇 子女價值與生育期望之研究




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