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The Value of Children and Fertility Expectation
作者 楊天盾
本研究旨在探討子女價值對生育期望之影響。研究以近十年來出生率最低的台灣南部區域居民 為研究對象,採配額抽樣的方式來進行調查,在嘉義縣市、台南市(原台南縣與台南市)、高雄市(原 高雄縣與高雄市)與屏東縣共回收有效問卷489 份。研究以「子女價值量表(生育價值)」、「子女價 值量表(生育代價)」與「個人背景資料」為研究工具收集資料並進行分析,包含描述性統計、單因 子變異數分析、多元迴歸等統計分析。分析結果如下,根據南部區域居民的樣本發現: 1. 一般認同子女價值中生育價值面向,特別在「權力成就」、「親密情感」、「家庭愉悅」與「道 德價值」有較高的認同。 2. 一般認同子女價值中生育代價面向,特別在「教養責任」與「喪失自由」有較高的認同 3. 未來期待生育子女數以兩個最多。 4. 女性的生育期望略高於男性。 5. 年齡愈大,期待生愈多的小孩,反之亦然。 6. 愈認同生育價值的價值觀,其理想子女數愈多,反之亦然;而愈認同生育代價的價值觀,其 理想子女數愈少,反之亦然。 7. 愈認同「道德價值」的生育價值面向,其理想子女數愈多。
The study explored how the value of children influenced fertility expectation. The subjects were residents of southern Taiwan, where the birth rate has been lowest over the last ten years. Using quota sampling, 489 valid questionnaires were obtained from Chiayi County, Chiayi City, Tainan County, Tainan City, Kaohsiung County, Kaohsiung City and Pingtung County. Research tools used for data collection and analysis included the Value of Children Scale (the value of having children), the Cost of Children Scale (the cost of having children) and demographic information. Descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation and multiple regression were used to evaluate and analyze factors. Results of the southern Taiwan samples indicated that: 1. “Power, Influence and Effectance”, “Primary Group Ties, Affiliation”, “Stimulation, Novelty and Fun” and “Morality” were significantly higher than the theoretical midpoint. 2. “Responsibility for Children’s Education” and “Loss of Personal Freedom” were significantly higher than the theoretical midpoint. 3. The fertility expectation of most residents was two children. 4. Female residents have a slightly higher fertility expectation than male residents. 5. The older the residents, the higher their fertility expectation, and vice versa 6. The more the residents recognize the value having children, the larger their expected ideal number of children. The more they recognize the cost of having children, the smaller their expected ideal number of children. 7. The more the residents recognized “Morality” as the value of having children, the greater their expected ideal number of children.
起訖頁 057-088
關鍵詞 子女價值生育價值生育代價生育期望the value of childrenthe value of having childrenthe cost of having childrenfertility expectation
刊名 輔導與諮商學報  
期數 201305 (35:1期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系
該期刊-上一篇 希望諮商團體對女性藥物濫用者戒癮希望感、認知與行為改變與自我尊重之影響
該期刊-下一篇 大學導師生互動關係量表之發展及研究




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