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The Effects of Different Model Instructions on Position Concepts Learning and Understanding of Models of Primary School Students
作者 楊志強洪振方 (Jeng-Fung Hung)林日宗
The roles of position concepts are the core concepts in many curriculums and affect the learning for many further concepts. The instruction in this study was based in mental model building theory. The purpose of the study is to inquire students’ learning of position concepts and understanding of models in science by developing the position conceptions test and the instrument of students’ understanding of models in science. 142 students in six classes were chosen and divided into three groups. This study applies one-way ANCOVA to do data analysis for understanding the change of student’s position concepts and understanding of models in science. Interview was used to confer the student’s concepts further. Results of the position conceptions test indicated that the score of scale model group is significantly greater than the simulations model group and the simulations model group is significantly greater than the maps group(p<.05).
起訖頁 001-033
關鍵詞 模型教學方位概念對模型認知model instructionsconcept of positionunderstanding of models
刊名 嘉大教育研究學刊  
期數 201409 (33期)
出版單位 國立嘉義大學
該期刊-下一篇 北部新移民與非新移民學童國語科學習路徑之探究:智力固定觀的影響




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