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The Critique of Nishida Kitarô by Sôda Kiichirô: A Metaphysical Issue
作者 Michel Dalissier (Michel Dalissier)
In 1927 Nishida Kitarô wrote a response to the critique of Sôda Kiichirô, represents an unprecedented occasion to rebuild, in a suggestive way, his "topological logic"-an expression to be discussed in this paper-, in particular concerning the quirks of a certain kind of metaphysics. More positively, it helps us to cast some light on his understanding of the history of German Philosophy since Kant. Taking this essay as a cornerstone, I would like to take the opportunity to synthetize, in English, the core of my interpretation in this field, centred on the distinction between ontology, mê-ontology, and logic, if not metaphysics, of absolute nothingness. What is more, I will interrelate certain schemes in Nishida and Merleau-Ponty, especially the idea of "making". I focus here on the first two sections of the essay, as I attempt to untangle the intricate conceptual relations between self-awakening and nothingness. Firstly, I explore the significant shift from epistemology to psychology, casting a new light on the relation of Nishida to metaphysics. Secondly, I reconsider his idea of overcoming ontology, distinguishing what I call "a first sketch of topologization".
起訖頁 65-110
關鍵詞 西田幾多郎左右田喜一郎梅洛-龐帝場所邏輯拓樸學邏輯形上學認識論心理學虛無自我覺醒意識超越創作Nishida KitarôSôda KiichirôMerleau-Pontylogic of placetopological logicmetaphysicsepistemologypsychologynothingnessself-awakeningconsciousnesstranscendencemaking
刊名 臺灣東亞文明研究學刊  
期數 201506 (12:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學東亞經典與文化研究計畫
該期刊-上一篇 西田幾多郎與牟宗三的人格論:關於批判佛教對京都學派批評的反思
該期刊-下一篇 東アジアにおける実存哲学の展開─日本哲学と洪耀勳の間




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