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Effects of Interactive Electronic Textbooks on the Reading Comprehension Among High School Aboriginal Students
作者 黃思華 (Tzu-Hua Huang)劉遠楨 (Yuan-Chen Liu)
電子教科書指文本內容是電子化的,且透過電子螢幕來呈現;電子教科書具有重複使用的功能,可以像磚塊一樣,架構起課程的內容,目前有愈來愈被廣泛使用的趨勢。本研究以花蓮縣某高中原住民專班一年級學生為對象,在原住民族文化課程以自行開發的電子教科書進行教學,教學內容共有三篇文本,分別是《前進部落》、《一段阿美族的故事》和《真正的人》。實驗組採Oxford 所提預測、瀏覽、掃描、推論、猜測不熟悉的語詞和自我檢視六個步驟在電腦教室進行教學;控制組採傳統閱讀文本和撰寫心得的方式也在電腦教室進行教學。研究結果發現,經過三個文本的教學後,實驗組學生閱讀理解成效顯著優於控制組的學生。進一步分析實驗組在Oxford 教學模式六個步驟的表現發現,原住民高中生在預測、瀏覽、掃描表現較佳;而在猜測不熟悉的語詞感到最困難,無法根據上、下文猜測字詞的意思。
The term “electronic textbooks” refers to electronic content presented on electronic screens. They are remote and are reusable. As such, electronic textbooks can be easily adapted to the classroom. Course elements can be introduced as if one were laying a brick wall, starting from the bottom and built up until a complete structure is eventually formed. Adapting electronic textbooks into course design has become a global trend. The present study targeted a group of aboriginal students in a Hualien County high school. Three aboriginal stories, Entry of the Aboriginal Tribe , A Legend of Ami , and The Real Person , were adapted and rewritten. The experimental group used the Oxford teaching model which includes six steps of instruction: predict, browse, scan, infer, guess the meaning of unfamiliar words, and self-evaluate. The control group read texts using traditional methods. Both groups of students were taught in computer classrooms and self-reported in written form. The experimental group significantly outperformed the control group in the reading comprehension test. Test results showed that aboriginal students performed better in predicting, browsing, and scanning; however, some may have encountered difficulties in guessing unfamiliar words in the text.
起訖頁 107-137
關鍵詞 電子教科書閱讀理解Oxford 教學模式原住民專班electronic textbooksreading comprehensionOxford teaching modelaboriginal student classes
刊名 教科書研究  
期數 201508 (8:2期)
出版單位 國家教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 體積電子教材設計與教學試驗 ──小學五年級
該期刊-下一篇 從認知心理學探究教科書插圖設計及其教學轉化




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