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Post-Political Populism in the Disaster Recovery of Environmental Hazards: Case Study of Taitung County
作者 王文誠
Under the global concerns on the environmental hazards over the context of spatial governance, this study aims to explore the space of ‘the political’ in the disaster recovery of environmental hazards. Inspired by the post-political researchers, with consensual representation and the issues of the emergence and consolidation of post-political conditions in political-spatial theory. This study reviews the contemporary ‘post-political’ Zeitgeist as the theoretical framework to examine the political implications on environmental hazards. Empirical data collected via onsite observation and face-to-face interviews to stakeholders, aim to analyze the post-political choreography after the environmental hazards, to discuss how to shape, in terms of the disaster recovery, a specific arrangement of the ‘post-political populism’. They are, firstly, it invokes the state capital as intermediary of cement constructions; secondly neo-liberal government mobilizes consolidation in the market mechanism; and finally, the intervention of state policies by providing the act, the budget, and the power of land-use to form a consensus constitution.
起訖頁 55-70
關鍵詞 Environmental HazardDisaster RecoveryPost-PoliticalPopulismSustainable Development環境災害災後重建後政治民粹主義永續發展
刊名 地理研究  
期數 201505 (62期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
該期刊-上一篇 公園‧浴場:新北投之文化地景詮釋
該期刊-下一篇 基隆河土地覆蓋時空變遷分析 :以第二次截彎取直計畫範圍內為例




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