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Park and Bath: An Interpretation of the cultural landscape of New Beitou
作者 林芬郁
The Beitou Park, the first park in Taiwan that was built with a 'Public Bath' purposely for the development of hot spring tourism, was once the one and only summer resort and a hot spring paradise for residents. As the site marking the beginning of settlement development in the New Beitou area, the park was also a place which embraced and celebrated cultural diversity in the area. The New Beitou area is known for its unique cultural landscape, which was shaped by multiculture derived from the Beitou Park, the public bath and the hot spring attractions in the neighborhood. This paper aims to examine the combination of the Ketagalan culture, the hot springs industry, the railway culture, different religious beliefs and mining knowledge in the New Beitou area; how they have reconstructed the space and networking in the area; and its cultural landscape from the perspectives of cultural landscape, sense of place, cultural heritage. In addition, the paper looks back in time and deeper into its space to trace the multi-cultural elements intertwining at the Beitou Park and their complex overlapping structure via the semi-lattic theory. Under the influence of globalization, urban homogenization has become an inevitable trend. With their new found cultural identity and the efforts to interpret and represent the history and culture of their place,the residents in the New Beitou area are expected to uncover the uniqueness of their place. They will make the best use of their rich and valuable cultural heritage to make sure that the New Beitou area will not fall back to becoming a mundane and short-lived tourist recreational area.
起訖頁 25-54
關鍵詞 Beitou ParkPublic BathCulture LandscapeSense of placeCulture heritage北投公園公共浴場文化地景地方感文化資產
刊名 地理研究  
期數 201505 (62期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
該期刊-上一篇 高雄遊艇產業群聚網絡創新之研究
該期刊-下一篇 環境災害重建的後政治民粹主義




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