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Marine Toxins and Bioactive Natural Products
作者 黃登福
為了人類之福祉,海洋水產資源之開發利用,最近為各國所重視。其中海洋生物毒和生理活性物質最引人注目,本文就國內外因海洋資源引起食物中毒之毒素加以說明,這方面包含了河魨毒、麻痹性貝毒、熱帶性海魚毒、下痢性貝毒、記憶健忘症貝毒和草魚膽毒等。其次,海洋生物種類繁多,因而生產了多采多姿之生理活性物質,這些海洋天然物經人類多年來之探索,做為醫農藥品之素材已有部分成果,如laminine、α-kainic acid、nereistoxin和taurine等數種天然物;另外,對較具抗腫瘤活性之海洋天然物亦做說明,以期促進國人探討海洋生物毒和生理活性物質之興趣。
Recently, some countries have focused on the available ultilization of marine resources. This has resulted in the occurrence of food poisoning incidents casused by marine toxins and the development of ew biochemical resources such as drugs and pharmacological reagents. In Taiwan, tetrodotoxin, paralytic shellfish poison and ciguateric toxins are well known as notorious agents to induce severe food poioning. But other causative agents including diarrhetic shellfish poison, domoic acid, brevetoxin and eosurugatoxin have occasionally occurred in other countries. Some agents including laminine, kainiccid, holotoxin and nereistoxin have long been applied as useful drugs. Meanwhile, attempts have reently made to develop useful druges by screening marine organisms for pharmacologically active subances, e.g., antitumor, antibacterial, hemolytic, analgetic, antispasmodic, hypotensive and hypertenve agents. Among them, some of the substances possessing antitumor activities are selectively disnssed in this review.
起訖頁 23-50
關鍵詞 海洋生物毒生理活性物質水產資源毒素抗腫瘤活性Marine toxinsBioactive substancesMarine resourcesToxinsAntitumor activities
刊名 中醫藥雜誌  
期數 199903 (10:1期)
出版單位 衛生福利部國家中醫藥研究所(原:國立中國醫藥研究所)
該期刊-上一篇 西藏醫學.雪域之明珠
該期刊-下一篇 獨活與羌活粗抽取物對於中樞及鎮痛抗炎作用之研究




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