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In Facing of 21th Century and the Modernization of Chinese Materia Medica
作者 蕭培根
21 世紀即將到來,在新的世紀裡中國經濟將會有更大的增長,人民的生活將有更大幅度的提高,科學、文化、教育、衛生將有更迅速的發展。在新的世紀,具有我國傳統文化特色和獨特優勢的中醫中藥,正面臨著良好的機遇和嚴峻的挑戰;隨著社會的發展,人類的醫療模式正由單純的疾病治療轉向預防與保健相結合的模式;威脅人類健康的疾病也由傳染性疾病向著影響身心的慢性疾病方面轉化;人口的老齡化使一些老年性疾患的防治問題更加突出; 由於生存環境的不斷惡化," 人類要回歸大自然 "的思潮愈來愈形成一股強大的潮流;人們生活水平的不斷提高,對醫療保障體系也就有更高和更多樣化的要求;醫藥衛生界人士通過實踐逐漸認識到:對防治以身心疾病為主的現代疾病,應考慮到作用的多靶點和人體的整體性等等。上述種種因素均為中藥的發展創造了良好的機遇和有利的條件。面向 21 世紀,中藥同時又面臨一系列嚴峻的挑戰;隨著中國醫藥市場愈來愈融入到國際醫藥大市場中,已面臨強大跨國醫藥集團的激烈競爭,我國傳統中藥產生的眾多產品,由於尚不能符合國際醫藥市場的標準和要求,銷售份額還不足百分之幾,同時還受到亞洲國家中的日本、韓國、印度、泰國等傳統醫藥產品的巨大威脅。因此,在走向 21 世紀的關鍵時刻,具有傳統優勢的中藥,必須堅決依靠現代科學技術,努力開發中醫藥學這個偉大寶庫,通過實現中藥現代化,更好地滿足人民保健和經濟建設的需要。
In next century, 'Human has to back to the nature' will be more popularly as a fashion, and , Chinese materia medica will also be enjoyed an inherent and prominent role in the general health service. This paper deals with the necessity of modernization of Chinese materia medica by the following aspects. 1. By means of modern science and technology, to promote the traditional Chinese materia medica into a higher scientific level and more modern one, in order to meet the requirement of domestic medical services and international market needs. 2. Investigation and production of high quality crude drugs and sustainable utilization of the resources in order to guarantee the raw materials both qualitatively and quantitatively. 3. Application of biotechnology in the research of Chinese materia medica, such as authentic drug identification, manufacturing scale of cell culture, biotransformation and genetically engineered synthesis of natural products. 4. Multiple utilization of Chinese materia medica for health care, disease prevention and raising of living standards, to promote Chinese materia medica integrates to diets as healthy foods, cosmetics, natural perfumes, natural pesticides etc. 5. Build up information framework of Chinese meteria medica, particularly by using 'Knowledge Discovery in Database, KDD' mothodology to search the vast information of herbal medicines and their preparations in order to get more precious clues and rules for further detailed investigation.
起訖頁 103-107
關鍵詞 中藥現代化
刊名 中醫藥雜誌  
期數 199804 (9:2期)
出版單位 衛生福利部國家中醫藥研究所(原:國立中國醫藥研究所)
該期刊-上一篇 中西醫結合治療骨折新療法
該期刊-下一篇 針刺的神經生理學




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