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An Empirical Study on Business Operation Strategy, Corporate Governance and Credit Risk Models
作者 余惠芳梁榮輝
This paper primarily used accounting data system and statistical methods to construct a credit risk model in non-family controlled companies, discussed the agency problem in CEO utilizing professional management. The author calculated odds ratio that predicted in advance the probability of credit risk attacking non-family companies. The author picked out the significant variables as key indicators of corporate performance and making-decision, reducing financial risk losses and bank risk weighted assets. Empirical analysis, the author built up a credit risk model using K-S test and M-U test, Pearson test, binary and multiple logistic regression analysis models. Findings, The first, the key performance indicators were the solvency, the profitability and corporate governance. Secondly, the companies increasing the times interest earned and the EPS, reducing the retention ratio, could reduce the probability of credit risk attacking non-family companies. Third, establishing of independent directors and supervisors, and avoiding the switch of CPAs in order to elevate corporate governance capacity. Forth, credit risk model were applicable to general prediction model. Suggest that the companies financing decision-making and dividend policy is reducing the interest expenses or enhancing earning before in tax, bought back the storage stocks while increasing the solvency and profitability capacity. Implication of this study is that the CEO of non-family firms should value opinions from insider monitoring in establishment of independent directors and supervisors, and outsiders CPA audit in order to reduce credit risk and elevate corporate governance power, and a major part of the business of financial institutions must follow to minimize credit risk and make successful loans could reduce risky assets and enhance BIS ratio.
起訖頁 17-45
關鍵詞 企業營運策略公司治理資本適足率信用風險模型Business Operation StrategyCorporate GovernanceBIS RatioCredit Risk Models
刊名 華人前瞻研究  
期數 201505 (11:1期)
出版單位 南洋文化學會
該期刊-上一篇 中國製造業產業合併的程度與趨勢
該期刊-下一篇 統一星巴克顧客滿意度之研究




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