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A Great Historical Personage from the View-point of a Great Historian: Hsu Foo-kuan's Critique on Chiang Kai-shek
作者 黃兆強
作為一個學者,「徐復觀」(1903-1982)這三個字,相信沒有一位近現代學人沒有聽過。徐先生被視為史學家、散文家、政論家、思想家、文學評論家、藝術評論家;而且還是 '惡聲至,必反之' 的一個好打筆墨官司的雄辯家。再者,他是近現代新儒家第一代大哲熊十力先生海外著名三大弟子之一。所以徐先生也是新儒家、理想的人文主義者。先生極愛國,是以可以定位為愛國主義者。先生一生為申張自由、民主,直接的,間接的,寫下數量極為可觀的文字。是以譽之為「民主鬥士」亦不為過。然而,徐復觀先生,他不僅是一位學養淵深,方面極廣的學者,1950 年代之前,他還是一位軍政界相當著名的人物;在蔣介石(1887-1975)面前,也算得上是個紅人,一個相當被倚重的幕僚。徐先生學術面向極廣,上文已有所揭示。然而,以晚年之學術表現來說,似以史學(尤其兩漢思想史)的成就最傑出,也最為人所稱道、肯定。中國近現代史家多矣。然而,能夠稱得上是偉大的,恐怕沒有幾個。何以故?以史家三長難得故也。唐人劉知幾便有「世無其人」、「罕見其人」、「世罕兼之」之嘆!唐時固然,恐今亦不為例外。史家三長者,史才也,史學也,史識也。加上史德,便成為四長。四長中,個人以為識、德,尤其難中之難。徐先生性情真,學問切;「誅奸諛於既死,發潛德之幽光。」何人為奸諛者?該誅戮之?何人為具潛德者?該發覆之?此非賴識(眼光)不足以發現,非藉德(簡言之,對一己良心負責,敢於向惡勢力挑戰,是謂德)無以彰顯。徐復觀先生,正其人也。是以筆者乃以「偉大史家」定位先生。至於蔣介石,譽之者,偉大人物也,民族救星也;毀之者,劊子手也,極權專制之獨裁者也。可謂美惡集於一身。蔣公之於先生,乃情殷義重之恩主也;然而國家陸沈,人民水火,蔣公似責無旁貸(至少某一程度上)。此徐先生所深悉者也。惟先生仍數度以「偉大」稱頌蔣公。何以故?先生重感情、崇恩主,故棄客觀事實於不顧耶?抑先生之「偉大」另有所指?非一般意義之「偉大」?或「偉大」在徐先生心中有不同層級歟?本文之撰,即旨在回應以上諸疑惑。
It is the work about the National Association of Colored Women took charge of the Douglass Home from the hand of the Frederick Douglass Memorial and Historical Association. At the same time, the United Daughters of the Confederacy initiated the re-explanation the role the South playing in the Civil War and kept the Confederate culture through the efforts of erecting the monuments, the memorials, and the improved textbooks of history. To face those challenges, the National Association of Colored Women chose to honor the Douglass Home as a response. This house fitted perfectly with the agenda for racial uplift of the National Association of Colored Women. Moreover, from the standpoint of collective memory, the National Association of Colored Women used this building for other tactics. They created Black indentify on their own terms. They used Douglass Home as the showcase to present the black prides and achievements, to demonstrate the progress and ability of the black community, to awaken the racial respectability and self-esteem, to urge the black history as a part of American history, and to prove the morality and ability of black women as the white women. To enhance the important historical meanings of Frederick Douglass, they not only emphasized Blacks' contributions to the Civil War, but also concreted Blacks' consciousness to highlight their differences from the whites. When the historical memory became the duty memory, personal memory was closely bound up to the racial memory. The National Association of Colored Women was both preservers and agents in all those processes.
起訖頁 115-171
關鍵詞 蔣介石徐復觀偉大人物史家三長史家四長Chiang Kai-shekHsu Foo-kuana Great PersonageThe three necessary conditions of a HistorianThe four necessary conditions of a Historian
刊名 東吳歷史學報  
期數 201312 (30期)
出版單位 東吳歷史系
該期刊-上一篇 想像的「朝貢記憶」與現實的「主權訴求」--1946-1948年坎巨提「內附」問題研究




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