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Perceptions of Liao, Song, and Northern Han toward the Peace Accord of Xiongzhou
作者 朱奕嵐
代表宋遼初次和解合意之「雄州和議」,即便存續時間短暫,確實使得宋遼關係正式對等正常化,對於解決五代以來遼與中原政權之間的衝突而言,有其重要性。然而,「雄州和議」終究未能化解遼、宋與北漢間之矛盾而弭兵止戰。三方在「雄州和議」成立之後仍衝突不斷,以至於北漢在979 年降宋,宋遼旋即進入全面戰爭狀態。以體系觀點切入,本文認為遼、宋與北漢在「和議之範圍」、「體系之現狀」以及「對他行動者之行為預期」之認知上,彼此具備矛盾性與衝突性,進而產生認知上之不協調。遼明顯偏好現狀穩定,認為「雄州和議」應包括北漢,宋不應該再攻北漢,而北漢不得挑釁;北漢雖然亦偏好現狀,但認為「雄州和議」未包含宋與北漢之關係,而宋將繼續來襲;宋雖然似乎願意與遼建立和平,但不偏好北漢存在之現狀,且以擊滅北漢為國家統一之重要目標。此等認知上之不協調,使三方行動者,特別是體系主導強權的遼與宋,未能利用雙方和議之契機,共同穩定三邊緩衝關係之現狀與體系內行動者間之和平。
In 1962, Professor Ping-ti Ho published his book on Chinese civil service examination and social mobility, The Ladder of Success in Imperial China: Aspects of Social Mobility, 1368-1911. This is a first-class contribution to the subject of social mobility in traditional China. It has almost exhausted the existing data which may be treated statistically and which bears on the subject through the family background of members of the elite class in that society. As his primary source, he uses lists of holders of economic degrees which, according to Chinese law, include each candidate's ancestry for three generations. He also makes use of other sources, such as government statutes, certain local history, biographies, genealogies, and some works of contemporary observers. This book is a classic for all of the students of Chinese Studies and social sciences in past 46 years. It has been translated into Italian and Japanese since its publication. Yet, the most wanted Chinese version of this book has not published. Therefore, with Professor Ho's blessing, I translated The Ladder of Success in Imperial China: Aspects of Social Mobility, 1368-1911 into Chinese with connoted notes. Here is the Chinese translation of the fourth chapter, 'Downward Mobility.'
起訖頁 1-46
關鍵詞 雄州和議認知緩衝體系北漢Peace Accord of XiongzhouPerceptionBuffer systemNorthern HanLiaoSong
刊名 東吳歷史學報  
期數 201112 (26期)
出版單位 東吳歷史系
該期刊-下一篇 由「聯邦優先」至「南方主權第一」:阿拉巴馬州莫比爾市的分離運動,一八五○年至一八六○年




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