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Study of Astronomy Facilities Planning to Support Educational Purposes in Elementary Schools
作者 薛方杰黃世孟
台灣自 1978 年第一所國小天文設施設置以來,數量持續增加中,但長期以來卻一直缺乏相關研究可供執行規劃設計時之參考,而現今亦有部分學校因面臨問題而停用相關設施。為釐清國小天文設施在教學使用上之需求與問題,本研究運用現地觀察、深入訪談等方法,對26 所案例國小進行調查分析,所得結論有:除星象館等主要設施外,應同時考量戶外觀測活動區、儲放設施、生活服務設施、設施保全管理、學習情境等規劃,以滿足教學使用上之需要;應避免傳統封閉式規劃,空間至少應能滿足班級規模之學習需要;相關設施應整合規劃、集中設置,以利獨立區劃、彈性使用以及協同教學等作業之執行;除設施規劃外,應同時考量師資人力、課程教材及經營管理之規劃。
Since the first astronomy facility in an elementary school in Taiwan was created in 1978, the number of such facilities has continued to increase. However, insufficient research exists to aid the planning of these facilities. In addition, recent studies indicate that several elementary schools have stopped using these facilities. In order to understand elementary schools' needs with regard to such facilities, the current study conducted a site observation and interviews at 26 elementary schools over Taiwan, resulting in the following findings. First, in addition to an observatory, planners should consider outdoor observation areas, storage areas, service equipment, security management, and situated learning environments to satisfy educational needs. Second, a flexible space arrangement is needed to satisfy diverse class sizes. Third, planning should integrate all related facilities and learning purposes. Finally, human resources, teaching materials, and management should be considered at the same time as facility planning.
起訖頁 63-85
關鍵詞 天文設施教育設施天文教育學校建築規劃Astronomy facilityEducation facilityAstronomy educationSchool building planning
刊名 建築學報  
期數 200909 (69期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-上一篇 照明光色對閱讀行為時主觀心理評價之影響
該期刊-下一篇 鋼筋混凝土托架之剪力強度




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