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Research on the Effects of Color of Light on Subjective Evaluation while Reading Papers
作者 謝明燁 (Mingyeh Hsieh)林振
本研究考量未來照明環境多彩化的可能性,探討了照明光色的改變對閱讀行為時主觀心理評價的影響。結果發現,不同的照明光色對閱讀行為時閱讀者所感知的明亮感、眩光程度、溫冷感與舒適度皆有顯著影響,而對疲勞感則無顯著影響。整體而言,2800K 黃色光具有明亮感較低、眩光較低、舒適度較高以及使人感到溫暖的心理效果。13850K 淺藍色光具有明亮感較高、舒適度較低以及使人感到涼爽的心理效果。5200K 白色光在各指標的表現多介於2800K 黃色光與13850K 淺藍色光之間。粉紅色光則具有眩光較高以及舒適度較低的缺點。綜上所述,光色確實會改變照明環境的特性,因此未來應可依據使用目的與意匠的不同,善用光色因子來塑造更理想的照明環境。
Thus research studied the effects of the color of light on subjective evaluation while reading papers. The results are as follows: In addition to the sensation of tiredness, people’s sensation of brightness and glare, thermal sensation and comfort are significantly affected by the color of light. In brief, 2800K shows psychological effects of lower brightness, lower glare, higher comfort and warmth. 13850K shows the effects of higher brightness, lower comfort and coolness. The performance of 5200K is between those of 2800K and 13850K with regard to most of the sensations. The light of pink shows the effects of higher glare and lower comfort. These results lead to the conclusion that color of light does change the properties of the lit environment, and according to the purpose, it is possible to create a better environment by adjusting the color of light.
起訖頁 51-62
關鍵詞 照明色彩視覺心理評價LightingColorVisualPsychologyEvaluation
刊名 建築學報  
期數 200909 (69期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣氣候下室內調濕建材之適用性探討
該期刊-下一篇 從輔助教學觀點探討國民小學天文設施規劃之研究




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