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Re-creation in Taiwanese Folk Song ― A Micor-analysis of Chen Da 'sixiangqi'
作者 翁志文鄭德淵辛玫芬蔡素娟
臺灣傳統民歌在傳播的過程中,同一首民歌常因「即興唱法」的運用,出現曲調方面的變異;以《思想起》一曲為例,即有超過50 種以上的唱法。因此,「即興唱法」的運用方法和模式,十分值得探討。本論文以陳達所唱《思想起》為對象,透過語音學中常用的聲學分析軟體Praat,由微觀角度分析傳統民歌的歌者,如何藉由「即興唱法」,改變唱法和歌詞的手法,致使民歌具有獨特的「再創造性」,使之產生變異,並因而創新。
Improvisation is likely to change the tune of a folk song during the process of transmission, and consequently, a folk song may appear various versions. For example, there are more than 50 versions of 'sixiangqi' existing in Taiwan; however, improvisation has not yet been fully discussed in respect of its method and patterns in Taiwanese folk song. This paper aims to illustrate how improvisation 're-creates' the tune of a folk song by analyzing the tune and its relation to the lyrics in Minnan. Therefore, we look at how the idea of 're-creation' has been built up, how folk song performers operate improvisation by changing lyrics and the way of performance, and how this improvisation finally leads to the re-creation of the tune. In order to examine the dynamic relationship between the lyrics and the tune, the computer program Praat is adopted.
起訖頁 157-176
關鍵詞 臺灣民歌即興唱法思想起再創造歌詞Folk songimprovisationrecreationlyricssixiangqi
刊名 南藝學報  
期數 201406 (8期)
出版單位 國立臺南藝術大學
該期刊-上一篇 價值、時間、抉擇、理論:布朗帝的修復哲學與我國《文資法》中「古物」的分類問題




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