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The Study on Learning Difficulties of Clinical Practice for Students of 5-year Junior Colleges of Nursing
作者 王曉萍高毓秀
本研究旨在探討五年制護專學生臨床實習學習困擾之現況,以及不同個人背景因素對臨床實習學習困擾的影響。以台灣地區五年制護專學生為研究對象,研究工具包括:個人背景資料、臨床實習學習困擾量表。採分層集束抽樣法,以學校校制為層級,共發出735份問卷,實際有效問卷695份。使用描述性統計、One-Way ANOVA及Scheffe’s事後比較法等方式進行分析。研究重要結果如下:(1)整體臨床實習學習困擾現況屬中上程度,護生普遍對自己的基本能力、處理病患緊急狀況的經驗不足以及實習時分配的作業與工作過多而感到困擾;(2)影響護生臨床實習學習困擾之個人背景因素變項為學校校制、課室成績與實習成績等,而入學管道方式則不影響。研究結果期能提供各學校規劃設計臨床實習課程,以及實習單位和實習老師在教學和輔導護生時之參考,進而幫助五專護生達到最佳的學習效果。
The purpose of this study was to investigate learning difficulties faced by students of Five-Year Junior Colleges of Nursing in Taiwan towards clinical practices. This study also investigates the factors that affect students to suffer the learning difficulties toward clinical practice. The questionnaire includes two parts: factors of students’ personal background and learning difficulties scale towards clinical practice. By using stratified cluster sampling, 735 questionnaires are issued to nursing students and finally 695 valid questionnaires are analyzed. We use descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA and Scheffe’s post-comparison to analyze the collected data. Here are the conclusions of this study: (1) All the nursing students showed middle to high degree in learning difficulties toward clinical practice. The nursing students also indicated, the shortage of fundamental abilities, lack of experience on handling emergency events for the patients, too much homework and jobs to do during clinical practice will induce leaning difficulties. (2) The factors that affect students’ learning difficulties toward clinical practice are: School system, grade of school terms and grade of clinical practice. But entrance channel does not. The result of this study may help school to design clinical practice courses, provide guidance for clinical unit and further promote the best clinical learning effort for students.
起訖頁 71-82
關鍵詞 五專護生臨床實習學習困擾Nursing studentsFive-year junior collegeClinical practiceLearning difficulties
刊名 志為護理  
期數 201004 (9:2期)
出版單位 財團法人佛教慈濟綜合醫院
該期刊-上一篇 建構護理理論、研究與實務之橋樑
該期刊-下一篇 進修部學生體型意識及其相關因子




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