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Adoption of Watson’s Caring Theory in Helping an Elderly Primigravida with Tocolysis
作者 許麗燕許靖岱
This article is about adoption of Watson's caring theory for a 38-year-old primigravida, who presented with early uterine contraction and was hospitalized for tocolysis. Clinical data was collected and assessed by interview, observation and body assessment during October 17th and November 15th, 2006. We found the client worried about the fetal health owing to premature labor and felt frustrated about limitations and demands of learning and accomadating herself to high-risk labor, resulting in anxiety, constipation and health-seeking behaviors. We used Watson's caring theory to bulid up mutual reliance with the patient, to inspire faith and hope in her, and to accept her positive and negative emotional expressions. Besides, we provided individual nursing assessment and physical, mental, spiritual and social environments with supportive and protective systems, helped solve constipation, gave medical informations, and improved the knowledge and self-care ability, in order to help the patient decrease the anxiety, improve constipation and promote the ability of taking care of herself. We look forward to sharing this nursing experience as a reference resource in taking care of such clients.
起訖頁 94-101
關鍵詞 Watson關懷理論高齡初孕婦安胎Watson's caring theoryElderly primigravidaTocolysis
刊名 志為護理  
期數 200910 (8:5期)
出版單位 財團法人佛教慈濟綜合醫院
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