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The Level of Worry and Coping Strategies as Occupation Hazards among Intensive Care Unit Nurses
作者 吳安綺彭台珠彭少貞黃寒裕李茹萍
The purpose of this study was to try and understand the possible occupation hazards, the level of worry and the coping strategies among intensive care unit (ICU) nursing staff in eastern Taiwan. Questionnaires were used to collect data from 147 ICU nurses. The results showed that their primary experience among intensive care unit nurses of perceived occupational hazards was <||>psychological societal factors<||>, and the highest level of worry was associated with <||>biological and physical hazards<||>. In addition, in terms of coping strategies, <||>problem focused coping<||> was the most common method used by ICU nursing staff. There was a positive correlation between the perceived occupational hazards and level of worry about occupation hazards(r=.548). Furthermore, the presence of perceived occupational hazards and the frequency of use of a coping strategy were also positively correlated(r=.438). The researcher extrapolated from these findings that work stress was related to the presence of negative responses among nurses and that coping strategies were related to the level of stress. The results provide a reference point that should allow improvement to the health and quality of life quality of ICU nurses through management of the occupation hazards in the intensive care unit. In addition, the results suggest that the use of a positive coping strategy by nursing staff to minimize stress should be encouraged in order to reduce any harm to staff and the level of worry felt by the staff.
起訖頁 70-80
關鍵詞 職業危害擔心程度因應策略Occupation hazardsLevel of worry degreeCoping strategy
刊名 志為護理  
期數 200906 (8:3期)
出版單位 財團法人佛教慈濟綜合醫院
該期刊-上一篇 健康素養與健康照護
該期刊-下一篇 加護病房護理指導課程滿意度改善專案




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