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A Project of Improving the Profit of Medicine Incomes of Psychiatry Ward in a Local Hospital
作者 何淑遠周美玲 (Mei-Ling Zhou)賴尤君
In face of current policy agenda of hospital independent operation and job target and responsibility set out by National Health Insurance Bureau, hospitals are presented an unprecedented dilemma. To maintain hospital operation, cost containment issues are becoming extremely important. The ward staff performed cost-benefit analysis from June 10th, 2004 to October 31st 2004. The result shows that the profit rate of medical income was 30.26% in 2003. The data was much lower than the average rate among regional peer, 35%. By cause-effect diagram, Pareto analysis and the questionnaire survey of department members, the accountability factors include, in order of proportion: poorly kept accounting records by nursing staff, incomplete medical record, inappropriate use of expensive medicines, and lack of standardized regulation of prescription. By setting up the device registration mechanism, monitoring the medical record integrity and reasonable prescription, the profit rate of medical income increased by 42.29%. The profit rate of the psychiatric department was improved and the competitiveness of the hospital boosted by this project.
起訖頁 85-94
關鍵詞 醫務收入醫務利潤成本效益分析Medical incomeMedical profitCost-benefit analysis
刊名 志為護理  
期數 200810 (7:5期)
出版單位 財團法人佛教慈濟綜合醫院
該期刊-上一篇 下肢骨骼手術者肌力復原影響因素之探討
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