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The Bereaving Experience of a Vietnamese Mother Who Lost Her Child
作者 葉筱俐黃美智
A child's death not only destroys the order of the human developmental cycle, but also destroys the parents' dreams, which normally are directed towards the future of the child. For a foreign mother whose child enhances her connection with her new land, one question that arises is whether there are any differences associated with such a cross-cultural bereavement. This paper employed ethnography for data collection when analyzing a Vietnamese mother who suffered bereavement. Six themes emerged and these were 'a grief response', 'memories of hospitalization', 'a sense of supportiveness', 'benevolent thoughts', 'hesitations with Taiwanese mourning customs' and 'uncertainty about becoming pregnant again after bereavement'. The findings show that the support system varies between Taiwanese and Vietnamese mothers and that. Taiwanese mourning customs together with a divergent medical culture might exacerbate the grief process. The author suggested that healthcare providers should use simple and easily understood words to enhance understanding of any medical treatment undertaken by the hospital as well as providing continuous care to the bereaved family.
起訖頁 89-98
關鍵詞 越南籍母親喪子哀慟VietnameseMotherBereavement
刊名 志為護理  
期數 200808 (7:4期)
出版單位 財團法人佛教慈濟綜合醫院
該期刊-上一篇 參與社區篩檢婦女骨質疏鬆症威脅認知之探討
該期刊-下一篇 應用個案管理模式提昇子宮頸抹片篩檢異常個案之回診追蹤率




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