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Disease Threat Recognition Among Women Participating in Community Health Screening
作者 陳淑華 (Shu-Hwa Chen)蔡來蔭 (Lai-Yin Tsai)黃雅芬蕭世槐
本研究旨在探討婦女對骨質疏鬆症威脅的自覺影響程度及影響對此疾病威脅認知的因子。對象為參與社區健康篩檢之婦女,有效樣本數為400位,收集工具內容包括修飾因素、保健行為及Becker's健康信念模式中影響疾病威脅認知之因子等。結果顯示15.0%婦女未有骨質疏鬆症威脅性之認知,15.5%認為是不太嚴重疾病。另年齡愈大、已停經、第一次參與、較少獲得訊息、家人未曾發生骨折等對其威脅認知程度顯著地較低;然而年齡、飲食行為等二因子為有效預測婦女對此疾病威脅認知程度的因子(r^2=.04, p<.05)。建議61歲以上者對此疾病為衛生教育對象,且應用大眾媒體消除此疾病篩檢之行動障礙,俾助其改變健康信念與行為。
The aims of this study included firstly, an evaluation of the degree of threat recognition among suburban women with respect to osteoporosis and secondly, an analysis of the factors affecting the degree of risk recognition. Four hundred women, who took part in an official health screening program, were enrolled in this study. A self-report questionnaire was designed to collect relevant information, which was made up of the subject's social demographic data, number of children, menstrual cycle, usual body posture, heath status, bone fracture history among family members, and sources of health information. Based on Becker's health belief model, the collected dataset was used to analyze the impact of osteoporosis on the women's health status. Our results showed that 15.0% of the study subjects did not realize the risk of osteoporosis to their health and 15.5% were ignorant of the severity of osteoporosis. Factors that were significantly associated with a reduced risk recognition with respect to osteoporosis included old age, postmenopausal status, only a single experience of health screening, shortage of health information and the absence of bone fracture history among family members (r^2=.04, p<.05). Our conclusions are that health education on osteoporosis should focus more on subjects over the age of 61 and the public media are a useful tool to persuade the general population to participate in health screening.
起訖頁 80-88
關鍵詞 健康信念模式威脅認知骨質密度ElderlyPneumoniaPneumococcal vaccines
刊名 志為護理  
期數 200808 (7:4期)
出版單位 財團法人佛教慈濟綜合醫院
該期刊-上一篇 肝性腦病變的治療及護理
該期刊-下一篇 一位越南籍母親喪子的哀慟經驗




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