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The Current Status of Breastfeeding Education for Professionals in Taiwan: A Triangulation Study
作者 王淑芳陳季員陳彰惠
Positive attitude and correct knowledge can promote successful and longer breastfeeding. This study aimed to understand the current status of breastfeeding education among professionals in Taiwan by using questionnaire and expert focus groups. There were 369 questionnaires sent to qualified hospitals and schools. Results showed that 71.2% of hospitals hold regular breastfeeding training courses as part of their in-service training. The higher the hospital’s evaluation level, the more likely they would exclude breastfeeding courses. The shortage of money and specifi c lecturers are two main obstacles to ongoing in-service breastfeeding programs. Eighty percent of nursing departments covered breastfeeding issues within their regular curriculum, and while only 37.5% of nutrition departments covered this issue. The type of department was the key factor in running breastfeeding curriculums in a school. The reasons for not having an independent credit course included that it was not part of the compulsory curriculum, time shortage, and lack of suitable teaching materials. Women’s rights, social policy and counseling practices were barely covered in two groups. Recommendations for future efforts made by the experts included building up professional education contracts, to developing breastfeeding lactation consultants, to establishing special breastfeeding clinics, and including breastfeeding issues in the basic education system. (Tzu Chi Nursing Journal, 2007; 6:6, 92-102.)
起訖頁 92-102
關鍵詞 母乳哺育養成教育課程在職教育Breastfeeding educationCurriculumIn-service education
刊名 志為護理  
期數 200712 (6:6期)
出版單位 財團法人佛教慈濟綜合醫院
該期刊-上一篇 某教學醫院肝癌病患生活品質及其相關因素之探討
該期刊-下一篇 提昇子宮內膜刮搔門診手術病患護理指導滿意度專案




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