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Knowledge and Attitudes Toward Intimate Partner Violence by Nurses in the Emergency Department
作者 康春梅陳小蓮黃秀梨朱美春張文英
婚姻暴力在急診是常見之暴力行為,亦是全球關注之社會議題。本研究旨在探討急診護理人員對婚姻暴力知識、態度及其相關因素。以自擬之結構性問卷調查六所不同醫院層級之急診護理人員,共收集105份,回收率為78.2%。結果發現急診護理人員對婚姻暴力之知識平均得分為20.5分(滿分25分);態度為110分(滿分140分)。在知識方面,以醫療構面之平均得分最高(M=8.0分;SD±0.9分),其次為社會(M=7.7分;SD±1.3分)及法律(M=5.3分;SD±1.3分)。在態度方面,以社會構面之平均得分最高(M=41.7分;SD±3.6分),其次為醫療(M=40.2分;SD±3.8分)及法律(M=28分;SD±3.2分)。另以宗教信仰與態度得分呈正相關 (r=.27; P<.01);而急診工作年資 (r=.21; P<.05; r=.25; P<.05)、醫院層級 (r=.37; P<.01; r=.31; P<01) 及醫院提供在職教育課程 (r=.21; P<.05; r=.29; P<.01) 與知識及態度得分亦呈正相關;表示知識得分愈高,護理人員對婚暴婦女之態度愈正向。本研究結果可協助急診管理者了解護理人員對受暴婦女之知識與態度,以安排適當之在職教育,提升服務品質。
Intimate partner violence (IPV) is one of the most common types of violence encountered in the emergency department (ED), as well as an issue of great concern to the general public worldwide. The purpose of this study was to investigate emergency nurses’ knowledge and attitudes toward IPV and related factors. A structured questionnaire was developed by the research team to survey ED nurses from six different levels of seniority within a hospital. In total, 105 questionnaires were returned and yielded a 78.2% response rate. The results were that the average score for nurses’ knowledge was 20.5 points (total=25) and for attitude was 110 points (total=140). Individual item analysis showed that medical domain knowledge scores (M=8.0; SD±0.9) were the highest compared to social (M=7.7; SD±1.3) and law domains (M=5.3; SD±1.3). Among attitude scores, the highest score was found in the social domain (M=41.7; SD± 3.6). The medical domain was second (M=40.2; SD±3.8) and the law domain was third (M=28; SD±3.2). There was a positive relationship between religion and attitude (r=.27; p<.01). A positive relationship was also found between years of working experience (r =.21; p<.05; r =.25; p<.05), level of seniority within the hospital (r =.37; p<.01; r =.31; p<.01) and hospitals that offer continuing education (r =.21; p<.05; r =.29; p<.01) and knowledge and attitude. The ?ndings indicate that the greater level of knowledge nurses have, the more positive their attitude is toward women who suffer IPV. These findings can assist ED managers to understand nurses’ knowledge and attitudes toward IPV in order to arrange appropriate continuing education to improve the quality of emergency care.
起訖頁 82-93
關鍵詞 婚姻暴力知識態度護理人員急診Intimate partner violenceKnowledgeAttitudeNursesEmergency department
刊名 志為護理  
期數 200706 (6:3期)
出版單位 財團法人佛教慈濟綜合醫院
該期刊-上一篇 合併多媒體光碟及手冊衛教對胃鏡檢查患者之成效探討
該期刊-下一篇 改變換藥流程以降低交互感染之專案




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