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The Effect of Giving Health Education via Multimedia Compact Disc and Written Information to Patients Undergoing Gastroscopy
作者 鍾玉珠蔡佳珍黃慧莉林佳瑩 (Chia-Ying Lin)徐玉枝陳怡君 (Yi-Chun Chen)
本研究目的在探討多媒體光碟合併衛教手冊討論的策略,運用在胃鏡檢查者在焦慮及護理滿意度之成效。採前後測類實驗研究設計,將某醫院接受胃鏡檢查之門診患者依看診日期單日者為控制組;雙日看診者為實驗組,每組各收30人。實驗組採用觀看8分鐘多媒體衛教光碟以及伴隨衛教手冊的個別討論,控制組則接受常規衛教單張之口頭指導。資料分別於衛教前、檢查前及檢查後三段時間收集。研究使用的工具包括0-10 焦慮數字量表及護理滿意度量表。研究結果顯示:衛教前兩組同質性高,兩組衛教前皆經歷高度焦慮;衛教後實驗組之焦慮程度顯著低於控制組 (t=7.277, p< .001) ;護理滿意度顯著高於控制組(t=-7.642, p< .001) 。本研究支持不同之教學策略能有效改善患者之焦慮程度及提升護理滿意度,因此,本研究設計的衛教方式,可廣泛應用於門診胃鏡檢查者的照護參考。
The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of giving health education via multimedia compact disc (MCD) and written information, together with individual discussion regarding anxiety levels and satisfaction of the nursing care received, to patients undergoing gastroscopy. A pre-test/-post-test quasi-experimental research design was used in this study. The patients who visited doctors on odd days in one hospital were assigned to the control group, while those visiting on even days were assigned to the experimental group. There were 30 patients in each group. The experimental group received detailed information about the gastroscopy via an eight-minute MCD, written information and individual discussion with the researcher. The control group received verbal instructions and a pamphlet on gastroscopy developed by the nursing staff of the hospital. Visual analog scales (VAS) and a satisfaction questionnaire regarding nursing care were used to measure the variables in the study. The results indicated that the two groups were homogenized and experienced high levels of anxiety before instruction. The experimental group experienced signi?cantly less anxiety than the control group prior to gastroscopy (t= 7.277, p<.001) and felt signi?cantly higher satisfaction regarding nursing care after gastroscopy (t = -7.642, p<.001). The study results support the premise that providing more complete information to the patient prior to gastroscopy reduces their anxiety and increases their satisfaction regarding nursing care. This gastroscopy teaching protocol could be applied in clinics in the future.
起訖頁 71-81
關鍵詞 胃鏡檢查焦慮滿意度GastroscopyAnxietySatisfaction
刊名 志為護理  
期數 200706 (6:3期)
出版單位 財團法人佛教慈濟綜合醫院
該期刊-上一篇 加馬刀立體定位放射手術及護理
該期刊-下一篇 急診護理人員對婚姻暴力之知識及態度探討




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