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A Project to Improve the Management by Nursing Staff of Unit Equipment and Supplies on a Ward with Patients
作者 曾麗姏葉秀真蕭珮彣章淑娟
The purpose of this nursing project was to elevate the nursing staff’s satisfaction level with regard to the management of unit equipment and supplies on a ward with patients. Nursing staff believed that they spent too much time handling paperwork associated with unit equipment and supplies between shifts and as a result the staff had a low level of satisfaction with this work. After a brainstorming session and a questionnaire survey, charge-record tracking was found to take up the most time and this was due to events not being recorded immediately and items not being returned to the right place, etc. The project first modified the items involved and the amount of work involved in the handover between shifts. This was followed by the relabeling of items linked to the development of communication between the nursing staff to establish common skills and the creation of an agreement on procedure for the ward. The pre-survey and post-survey measured the average time spent on the equipment handover over four shifts. The instituted changes resulted in an average time saved tracking lost supplies of about 20 minutes. The mean satisfaction level with respect to unit equipment and supply management in general was elevated from 56% to 74%. These findings suggest that a similar improvement to the handover process to that developed by this project may be applicable to other wards with patients.
起訖頁 102-112
關鍵詞 護理專案護理人員醫衛財管理Nursing projectNursing staffMedical supply management
刊名 志為護理  
期數 200702 (6:1期)
出版單位 財團法人佛教慈濟綜合醫院
該期刊-上一篇 眷村居民需求評估量表的發展與測試
該期刊-下一篇 一位化療藥物外滲肝癌病患的護理經驗




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