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Improvement of Therapeutic Milieu for Rehabilitation in Psychiatric Day-care Ward
作者 張雅芬劉惠敏林昱秀李濟蔚
The dissatisfaction with rehabilitation milieu would decrease the patient's learning motivation and willingness to accept rehabilitation programs in a hospital. This work explores the rooted causes of low satisfaction with therapeutic milieu for rehabilitation in the psychiatric day-care ward in terms of behavior, strategy, hardware and process. An improvement plan was initiated to enhance the efficacy of rehabilitation milieu. To do so, the patients were divided into groups for therapists to provide more intensive and direct care. A warm rehabilitation milieu was then created. Next, a routine talk with each patient was scheduled and diversified group treatment courses were also planned based on patient's individual function. Furthermore, a comprehensive rehabilitation training program was established. The results show the satisfaction rate of rehabilitation milieu was improved from 67.4% to 89% and the attendance rate increased by 79% to 90% after implementing the proposed plan for six months. This improvement plan has been proved to be effective and is worth implementing.
起訖頁 105-116
關鍵詞 精神科日間留院復健治療Psychiatric day-care wardRehabilitation milieu
刊名 志為護理  
期數 200610 (5:5期)
出版單位 財團法人佛教慈濟綜合醫院
該期刊-上一篇 護理人員賦權感受及其相關因素之探討
該期刊-下一篇 一位腎臟移植病患之手術全期護理經驗




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