中文摘要 |
本研究主要目的在於探討護生自我效能、協助哺餵母乳管理知識及臨床實習經驗對自我效能之影響因素。由研究結果得知,臨床實習護生對於協助哺餵母乳的重要性都相當認同,然而在實際臨床實習中卻缺乏適當之支持。本研究的差異考驗亦發現,護生的實習成績對其自我效能有顯著影響,顯示學生在實習過程中對學習越投入,愈關心自身的實習成績之受試者,愈能關心其實習經驗中的相關經歷與知識(F=4.90, p<.01)。進一步在逐步迴歸分析中發現僅協助母乳哺餵管理知識( .482, p<.001)與臨床經驗(β=.168, p<.001)二變項具顯著預測力。顯示受試者在學校或在醫院所先習得的母乳哺餵知識,對其往後在協助母乳哺餵的自我效能感中,其預測效果值將高於醫院臨床實習經驗對受試者所造成的影響效果甚多。 |
英文摘要 |
The main purpose of this research was to explore the influences of management knowledge of breastfeeding and clinical experience in the self-efficiency. From the result of this study, the subjects quite approved the importance of breastfeeding, but lacked proper support in research. The result of this study was as follows: There were significant difference of the variables of the practice achievement in self- efficiency (F=4.90, p<.01). Significant correlation between self-efficiency (professional knowledge, operational knowledge, assistance efficiency, and identifying efficiencies) and clinical experience (clinical opportunity, clinical value). Finally, the variables of management knowledge of breastfeeding(β=.482, p<.001) and clinical experience (β=.168, p<.001) could significantly predict self-efficiencies. |