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Cultural Philosophy of Buddhism Based on prajJapti and abhilApavAsanA--Professor Lao Sze-kwang’s Views as a Starting Point of Discussion
作者 郭朝順
In general opinion, there is an inclination to negate the culture or the world in Buddhism. Even though MadhyamIka announces all of the beings are nothing but “prajJapti” (nameing), entity of being is just a fantasy; vijJanavada use the theory of “abhilApavAsanA” of AlayavijJana (force of naming will be accumulated unceasingly in the AlayavijJana) to replenish it; but both keep the spirit of MahAyAna that nirvana is not an ending but a process for practice; thus it is necessary to reconsider the general opinion. In my opinion, the Buddhist cultural philosophy can afford some special ideas to contribute the modern cultural philosophy, especially on Buddhism does not suspect the world or culture as real, that is why Buddhism is suspect as negative. Professor Lao Sez-kwang has shown several models of western cultural philosophy in his Lecture of Cultural Philosophy, but does not discuss about the Buddhism’s, he also claims the Buddhism has negative spirit to culture and world in his work. Although, I do not approve his judgment about Buddhism entirely, but I must admit his analysis about Buddhism is very deep, and his discussion of cultural philosophy is full of enlightenment for me. So this paper uses some ideas of professor Lao to discuss Buddhist ideas, and tries to show the peculiar view points of Buddhist cultural philosophy.
起訖頁 97-130
關鍵詞 假名施設名言熏習文化人文文化哲學PrajnaptiNamingAbhilapavasanaCultureHumanityCultural philosophy
刊名 佛學研究中心學報  
期數 200706 (13期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學佛學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 天臺宗懺儀與身體




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