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Ritual and Body in the Repentance Rite of Tiantai Buddhism
作者 蔣義斌
Beliefs (included value and myth) and practice (ritual) is the core of religious activities. Ritual which practice with body, compare to beliefs or myth, will be conservatively, in theory. It is because the different carriers of memory. Beliefs or myth’s carriers is language or writing, and ritual carriers on body. This article focus on the view of body and memory, to understand the repentance ritual of Tiantai Buddhism, found by Chi-yi, how apply the memory function of body, and developing the repentance ritual which influenced Chinese Buddhism deeply. The repentance ritual of Tiantai Buddhism has a close relationship with Mahayana Buddhism meditation. To cherish the memory of the Buddha Wakyamuni is the motive power of the movement of Mahayana Buddhism. From to cherish the memory of the Buddha to remember the icon of the Buddha, is the most important development. The Buddhas will present samadhi, pratyutpanna-buddha-sajmukhavasthita-samadhi, has the function to clear the ability of recognizing, and developing repentance ritual. Rite for repentance as ritual, has anti-structure function that is different from other ritual in general. Ritual has its mode as such: structure→anti-structure→form new structure. But Tiantai’s rite for repentance always has an anti-structure function, and body become a container to accumulate merits and virtues.
起訖頁 55-95
關鍵詞 天臺宗智顗身體記憶懺儀Tiantai BuddhismChi-yiBodyMemoryRite for repentance
刊名 佛學研究中心學報  
期數 200706 (13期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學佛學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 慧思禪觀思想中之「四念處」
該期刊-下一篇 從「假名施設」與「名言熏習」試論佛教文化哲學--以勞思光教授的部份觀點為討論起點




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