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How Did Mahayana Buddhism Reform Savaka Sutta? :On Mahayana’s Hermeneutical Strategies by two Kinds of Buddhist Paradigms of Avgulimala Sutta
作者 呂凱文
The Buddhist story of Angulim ala who once to be a murder and later conver ted as a saint is known well around. By comparing with two kinds of Buddhist paradigms of Angulimala Sutta and analyzing their narrative structures and elements, this paper will tell the identity and difference of Angulimala stories between three versions of literatures, ie. Savaka sutta, Jataka story and Mahayana sutta. Moreover, we will point out the difference of Angulimala stories between Savaka sutta and Jataka story is a kind of‘quantitative change’which effects no shift of Buddhist paradigms. But the difference shown in Mahayana version’s Angulimala story is not only a kind of‘quantitative change ’,but also is a kind of‘qualitative change’,for it causes the shift of Buddhist paradigms and changes Savaka paradigm into Mahayana paradigm. Further, we examine and make clear the strategic which Mahayana version reform Savaka sutta can be said as‘Hermeneutical Tactic of Mimicry’. We conclude that Savaka Buddhism is parasitized by Mahayana Buddhism and becomes an object who was converted by Mahayana Buddhism.
起訖頁 31-83
關鍵詞 央掘魔羅典範轉移擬態詮釋學未曾有法AngulimalaShift of paradigmMimicryHermeneuticsAbbhuta dhamma
刊名 佛學研究中心學報  
期數 200607 (11期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學佛學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 漢譯佛典《阿含經》神通故事中阿難的敘事視角試探
該期刊-下一篇 唐代十一面觀音圖像與信仰




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