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A Qualitative Study of Newlyweds’ Marital Adjustment Processes
作者 張思嘉 (Szu-Chia Chang)
Marital adjustment has been a major topic of research for many years, yet researchers have not achieved consensus on how to conceptualize and study it. Two major limitations exist in previous marital adjustment research: lack of a theoretical framework and the focus on adjustment as an end rather than a process. The purpose of this study is to develop a conceptualization of marital adjustment as a process. Through in-depth interviews with twenty Taiwanese newlywed couples, a preliminary model explaining the marital adjustment process is established, with the final goal of enhancing understanding and developing an indigenous theory of Chinese marital relationships. Qualitative data collected through in-depth interviews were analyzed using the grounded theory approach. Results show that areas in which marital adjustments were called for could be classified as adjustment between the couple and their families of origin, adjustment between spouses, and adjustment between family and work. The model of marital adjustment generated by this study suggests that there are different pathways through which marital partners adjust to each other. Adjustment takes place either as a mutual influencing process through which both partners alter their attitudes or behavior, as an accommodation process in which one partner controls the relationship, or through a process of constant quarrelling and bickering. Finally, gender differences were found in the strategies that husbands and wives use in dealing with adjustment problems.
起訖頁 91-133
關鍵詞 婚姻適應過程新婚夫妻質性研究marital adjustment processnewlywedqualitative study
刊名 本土心理學研究  
期數 200112 (16期)
出版單位 心理出版社
該期刊-上一篇 媳婦?女兒?妳媽?我媽?從誰是「自己人」看婆媳關係
該期刊-下一篇 手足與朋友關係的內涵與功能--從猩種與人種的表現看演化的藍圖與文化的加工




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