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The Nursing Experience of a Teenager with Peritonitis Induced by Peritoneal Dialysis
作者 孫靜芸 (Ching-Yun Sun)黃小萍 (Hsiao- Ping Huang)
We would like to report the nursing experience of a 16-year-old girl with peritonitis caused by peritoneal dialysis, which she received at home for systemic lupus erythematosus-induced end stage renal disease. The girl was hospitalized at our ward from January 22nd to 31st, 2008. The author applied Orem’s Self-Care Nursing Theory to evaluate the patient’s self care capability via observation, attentive listening, interviews, and inspection of patient’s medical records/charts. The authors confirmed that her health problems were excess fluid retention, psychosomatic disorientation due to insertion of hemodialysis catheterization tubes, and knowledge deficit. During the hospitalization period, the author used active caring and empathy approach and implemented total compensation, partial compensation, and supportive education nursing intervention. We provided patient with adequate medical equipment and nursing instructions to improve her water retention problem. We also provided patient with the incentive to learn about peritoneal dialysis and how to face this daily task in a positive perspective. We helped the patient adapt her body image changes so that she could accomplish peritoneal dialysis self care at home. We hope to share our valuable experiences with other nursing staff.
起訖頁 407-415
關鍵詞 青少年腹膜透析歐倫自我照顧理論teenagersperitoneal dialysisOrem’s self-care nursing theory
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 201009 (21:3期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 協助一位初診斷愛滋病患心理調適之護理經驗




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