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The Nursing Experience of an Adolescent Who Suffered from Left Leg Compartment Syndrome with Fibular Nerve Injury
作者 廖靜誼康瑞蘭 (Jui-Lan Kang)
The aim of this case report was to report the nursing experiences of a 17 years old adolescent who suffered from body image changes and walking disability resulting form the complication of left leg compartment syndrome with peroneal nerve injure after a traffic accident. During the process of nursing care from May 7th, 2007 to August 2nd, the author collected information by observation, conversation, and listening to the patient and evaluated the patient by Gordon 11 health functional tools. Four health problems were identified, including pain, impaired tissue integrity, anxiety, risk for impaired skin integrity, and body image disturbance. First of all, the author encouraged the case to read interesting Japanese caricatures like Slam dunk and watch television sport programs for attention distraction to relieve pain. In addition, the author provided the patient with appropriate wound care and taught him self-care skill to prevent infection and repair tissue. The patient was taught to draw pictures and use selfrelaxing skills such as taking a deep breath and listening music to relieve anxiety. The author also provided the patient with a story of Joh Coutis and readings such as “No One’s Perfect” to encourage him. Through these real stories and consistent nursing care and supports from peers, the patient were finally able to find his personal identity and value and improve his self-confident and face the fact of appearance change.
起訖頁 375-385
關鍵詞 腔室症候群腓神經受損青少年compartment syndrome peroneal nerve injury and adolescent
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 201009 (21:3期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 一位冷凝球蛋白血症患者之護理經驗
該期刊-下一篇 護理一位非預期剖腹之初產婦母乳哺餵的經驗




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