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Evaluation of an Intervention Program: Perspectives from Older Patients with Hip Fracture and their Caregivers
作者 曾明月楊清姿徐亞瑛
本研究旨在探討老年髖部骨折個案及照顧者參與介入性研究計畫之主觀感受、經驗及對計畫實施內容、過程之看法與建議。採質性研究方法,運用半結構式訪談指引,進行一對一面對面訪談,以參與徐(2005)所主持「針對老年髖關節骨折病人之三種照護模式」研究計畫中接受介入性照護措施且同意接受訪談錄音的老年個案與主要照顧者為研究對象,共訪談四位老年個案及五位照顧者,資料分析係依據Miles和Huberman (1994)所提的方法進行。結果顯示老年個案及照顧者認為參加此計畫最大的收穫為情感支持及幫助老年個案恢復,對目前計畫提供內容、介入方式和訪視次數感到滿意,但從中也發現參與者對專業角色混淆、認為專業角色功能未能充分發揮、擔心恢復程度、恢復期望不同及需求未獲滿足的問題。研究發現將有助於計畫改進,並可做為相關專業人員未來針對老年人和照顧者發展介入性照護計畫的參考。
The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the subjective feelings, appraisals, and experiences of older persons with hip fracture and their family caregivers for an intervention program. A semi-structured interview guide was used to construct face-to-face interviews. Four patients and five caregivers were recruited from a large research program, “Three models for elderly patients with hip fracture”, held by Shyu. The content analysis was used to categorize themes of data. Findings showed that the best rewards from this program for the elderly and their caregivers was gaining emotional supports and getting help to facilitate the recovery of the patients. They also expressed that they were satisfied with the content of interventions provided, ways of interventions delivered, and the frequency of home visits that they received. However, they felt confused about the role of physical therapists and of others. Things they worried included the extent of recovery, inconsistent expectations for recovery, and unmet needs. These findings could provide a picture to improve the implement of this program and to generate further intervention guideline for professionals to care for older persons and their caregivers.
起訖頁 129-140
關鍵詞 髖部骨折計畫評值老年人照顧者質性研究hip fractureappraisals for intervention programelderlycaregiverqualitative study
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 201006 (21:2期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
該期刊-下一篇 北部地區新移民婦女健康促進行為之探討




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