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Exploration of Health Care Professionals’ Perception of Spiritual Care for Cancer Patients
作者 顧雅利 (Ya-Lie Ku)姚靜宜 (Ching-Yi Yao)范慧萍郭世明郭美玲 (Mei-Ling Kao)郭景元
Cancer is the leading cause of mortality in Taiwan. A literature review indicated that the majority of cancer patients expressed the spiritual needs. Health care professionals are often busy with performing clinical tasks, and not familiar with cancer patients’ spiritual care. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore health care professionals’ perception of spiritual care for cancer patients. This study interviewed 48 health care professionals, including 9 doctors and 39 nurses. The subjects’ ages ranged from 22 to 50 (Average 31), more than half were married and had more than five years of working experiences, majority were junior college (56.3%) and college (41.7%) graduates. In religion, 33% were Buddhist, 20.8% were Taoist, 6.3% were Christian, and 39.6% were atheists. The survey scales included three parts: general opinions about spiritual care, 1-5 point scale for ranking agreement of 25 spiritual nursing interventions, and 22 outcomes indicators for cancer patients. In part one, 50% of health care professionals perceived themselves as generally understanding of spiritual distress symptoms for cancer patients, 35.4% for spiritual nursing interventions, and 37.5% for outcomes criteria. Nevertheless, 75% of health care professionals perceived that patients often have spiritual distress and 52.1% of them perceived themselves as having frequent spiritual distress. Therefore, 100% of health care professionals thought cancer patients need spiritual care and 98% considered their need the training of spiritual care for cancer patients. In part two, 19 items of nursing interventions have been analysed by principal component factor analyses, which identified 5 major factors that can explain the 68.4% of variance of spiritual distress. In part three, 20 items of outcomes indicators have been analysed by principal component factor analyses, which identified 3 major factors that can explain the 66.3% of variance of spiritual distress significantly. Clinical cancer nurses can design nursing interventions based on the 5 major factors as well as outcomes indicators based on the 3 major factors. Future studies can evaluate the effectiveness of 5 nursing interventions for alleviating the spiritual distress of cancer patients by following the 3 outcomes indicators.
起訖頁 299-310
關鍵詞 健康照護者靈性照護措施靈性成果指標health care professionalsspiritual care interventionsspiritual outcomes indicators
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 200609 (17:3期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 接受動靜脈廔管手術病患護理照護認知與需求之探討
該期刊-下一篇 精神分裂症病人的生活品質




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