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Nurse Aides in Psychosocial Care and Problematic Behavior Management for the Residents in Nursing Home
作者 趙淑員陳曉容王琤吳秋燕劉杏元黃鑠彭
This cross-sectional survey investigated the knowledge of psychosocial care among nurse aides (NAs) working in long-term care institutions. Their attitudes and self-efficacy in managing problematic behaviors were also evaluated. One hundred and seventy-seven nurse aides were recruited from eight long-term care institutions in Taipei and Taoyuan areas. A structured questionnaire, after being tested for validity and reliability, was administered to the NAs. The response rate was 83.5%. The results showed that the domestic NAs had significantly higher score in knowledge about psychosocial care than the foreign NAs. However, the knowledge were insufficient in several aspects, in spite of different nationalities, including identification of psychosocial needs, skills of communication, and capabilities of managing agitated and wandering behaviors, and caring for insomnia. Their attitudes toward residents tended to be positive, while, the self-efficacy in dealing with hallucination and delusion was insufficient. Thus, we recommend that the ability of psychosocial care, especially in managing the resident’s problematic behaviors could be emphasized in pre-job and on-the-job training.
起訖頁 293-304
關鍵詞 心理社會照護照顧服務員長期照護psychosocial carenurse aidelong-term care
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 200409 (15:3期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 五專護生實習壓力的生活經驗--現象學研究
該期刊-下一篇 護理之家老人孤寂感之概念分析




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