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The Investigation of Factors Related to the Handwriting Problems for Primary Grade Students in Taichung City
作者 林千惠方淑秋黃真真鐘玲君
The study was an attempt to examine the factors related to handwriting problems of primary grade students in Taichung City, for the purpose of developing effective remedial instruction for these students. After conducting screening tests, a total of 53 students were selected for further diagnosis of their handwriting problems. By applying a series of evaluation, the IQ, perceptual-motor development, motor coordination skills, as well as the handwriting behavior data of the students were collected for quantitative analyses. In addition, telephone interviews of parents and the analyses of homework contents and written samples of these students were collected for qualitative analyses. The results indicated that slow handwriting speed, lack of attention skill, and holding handwriting tools inappropriately were the most frequently seen problems associated among the poor handwriting quality of these students. The internal and external factors, which may influence the handwriting performance of these students, were also systematically discussed.
起訖頁 131-160
關鍵詞 國小低年級書寫問題錯誤分析Chinese handwritingelementary schoolhandwriting problemserror analyses
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報  
期數 200006 (8期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 自閉症兒童遊戲能力的發展與缺陷
該期刊-下一篇 國小閱讀障礙學生閱讀理解策略之研究




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