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A Two-tier Dual Proportional Representation System: An Electoral Reform Proposal Inspired by Evolutionary Perspective
作者 郭定
In multi-member district with categorical ballots, for reducing strategic voting, what we should aspire to is not only party-level proportionality but also candidate-level proportionality. According to the concept of eugenics, we propose a two-tier dual proportional representation system. The 'two-tier' means lower level district versus higher level district, and the 'dual' refers to party-level versus candidate-level. By using a distributed open list that is comprised of several candidate-affiliate lists to supersede a centralized closed list that is under control by the political party, the proposed electoral system applies the Hare-Niemeyer Largest Remainders (HNLR) method, according to the votes received by those candidates who crossed threshold in a lower level district, to apportion the supplementary seats a party has won among individual(s) of the candidate-affiliate lists to ensure candidate-level proportionality and to fulfill 'one vote, one value' esprit. In short, in lower level districts, the new electoral system applies proportional representation system to inter-party (including those independent candidates) and applies plurality system to intra-party; in higher level district, the proposed electoral system applies proportional representation system to both inter-party (have to cross a threshold) and intra-party (have to cross a threshold). That is why we call it a two-tier dual proportional representation system. By using computer-aided simulations with the voting data of the sixth legislative election, we demonstrate that the proposed electoral system possesses more party-level proportionality than the SNTV does and that the proposed electoral system exhibits candidate-level proportionality to a certain high degree.
起訖頁 1-25
關鍵詞 比例代表制策略投票黑爾/尼邁耶最大餘數法選舉制度優生學單記非讓渡制Proportional Representation SystemStrategic VotingHare-Niemeyer Largest Remainders MethodElectoral SystemEugenicsSingle Non- Transferable Vote
刊名 德明學報  
期數 201506 (39:1期)
出版單位 德明財經科技大學
該期刊-下一篇 所得分配、執政黨派與社會福利支出 湯




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