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Discussion of Disciple's Ambition in "The Analects of Confucius" for "Language Competence": Zaiwo
作者 吳元豐
This article tries to make a complete analysis and criticism for Zaiwo's personality and ambition from three aspects. First, retrieve Confucius' attitude to language, and essential differences between his attitude and common views of value in the Analects; second, process a consistent and deep analysis and discussion for Ziwo's language competence and clever, psychology and character flaw reflected behind from the Analects concerning the records relating to Zaiwo. At the end, this article selects typical ones from the later theorists that redress Zaiwo's personality and their general concepts. General speaking, Confucius' Tao even needs not have to reject people's outstanding talents and abilities, but truth and virtue always have no inevitable relationship with talent. The Tao shows its true that minor efforts and hard-working will make every ordinary thing done much better, meaning it's possible to promote your desire to set goal as a benevolent person to others, not to show yourself off when you're better than others as if Tao's truth and the value of life. There is but one Tao showing great and true as well as approachable through this way.
起訖頁 195-225
關鍵詞 宰我言語晝寢三年之喪Zaiwolanguageflatterysleep in day timemourning for three years
刊名 思與言  
期數 201403 (52:1期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 日本勞動委員會不當勞動行為救濟命令之裁量權基準法理與演進




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