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The Application of Chinese Idiom and Allusion Knowledge Base in Learning Chinese
作者 俞士汶羅鳳珠朱學鋒王雷常寶寶砂岡和子姜柄圭
In order to enhance the language ability of both humans and computers, we need the support of language knowledge bases. The Chinese Idiom Knowledge Base(CIKB) developed by the Institute of Computational Linguistics at Peking University and the Allusion Knowledge Base of Chinese Poetry built by Lo Fengju at Yuan Ze University are both constructed for this purpose. With a corpus built to a certain scale and the aid from a language knowledge base, we hope to introduce the concepts of “extensive reading from a single word”, “grasping the whole category with a typical example” and “extended learning” and design frameworks applicable to Chinese learning. As a sequel to A Phase-based Design of Multilingual Idiom-allusion Knowledge Base for Teaching, this paper introduces in detail the content, construction ideas and development process of the two knowledge bases by taking CIKB and the allusion knowledge base as further examples. The connection of CIKB with the allusion knowledge base makes the two knowledge bases complement each other and improve Chinese language learning to the level of literature learning.
起訖頁 13-36
關鍵詞 語言能力語文學習成語典故成語知識庫典故知識庫language abilityChinese learningidiomallusionidiom knowledge baseallusion knowledge base
刊名 臺灣華語教學研究  
期數 201312 (7期)
出版單位 臺灣華語文教學學會
該期刊-上一篇 學語言學到了什麼?從語言的多面向樣貌探討語言教學的新路徑
該期刊-下一篇 華裔學習者跨文化族群認同及其傳承語習得研究




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