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Drill Practice and Performed Culture Approach
作者 廖灝翔
「句型操練」(Drill)和「體演文化」(Performed Culture Approach)2是當前美國對外漢語教學課堂常見的兩種教學法。句型操練透過節奏和糾錯,讓學生在課堂裏得到大量的聽說練習。句型操練課「準確」和「流利」並重,前者指的是學生的語音、聲調及語法,而流利則是建立在準確的基礎上,學生不可因求快而犧牲發音,錯置聲調,語法紊亂。體演文化同樣也是「準確」和「流利」並重,但其更強調學生說話應對在中國文化中交際情況的得體性 (cultural appropriateness)。換句話說,除了語法、聲調和語音外,學生必須知道在什麼場合該說什麼話、不該說什麼話,才顯得有教養、具文化,而不至擦槍走火,冒犯到中國人。本文裏,筆者將以個人的經驗,探討這兩種教學法的異同,並提供兩個教案,示範備課時的重點,希望藉此抛磚引玉,為兩種教學法建立彼此對話的可能性。
This paper investigates the similarities and differences between the Drill Approach and the Performed Culture Approach, two classroom activities widely used in the United States in the field of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language. Under the drill approach, the teacher focuses on students' pronunciation, intonation, tones and use of speech patterns by means of teacher-directed substitution and choral drilling. As a teacher “conducts” their class, students receive a substantial amount of listening as well as speaking practice, and gradually develop their language fluency. While the Performed Culture Approach also emphasizes students' accuracy of linguistic forms, it extends its focus to cultural appropriateness. Students of the Performed Culture Approach are expected not only to accurately articulate the target language but also to behave in a culturally appropriate way. In other words, cultural appropriateness is as important as language accuracy. Therefore, the goal of a teacher in a Performed Culture class is to help students develop cultural as well as linguistic situated knowledge, which can help them avoid cultural misunderstandings. It is hoped that by discussing the strengths and weaknesses of each approach, a dialogue between the two can be established.
起訖頁 33-52
關鍵詞 句型操練體演文化文化DrillPerformed Culture Approachculture
刊名 臺灣華語教學研究  
期數 201112 (3期)
出版單位 臺灣華語文教學學會
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣華語教師之教學環境及滿意度調查:十年來之變化發展分析
該期刊-下一篇 注入歷史與記憶的新元素--高級漢語《看電影說相聲話中國近代史》




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