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A Study of Chien Mu’s Concept of Confucianism and His Perspective on the Theory of Morals and Value
作者 戴景賢
Professor Chien Mu (1894-1990) occupies a prominent position as an influential historian in modern China. His research on Chinese history has been highly appraised. But at the same time, his obvious Confucian style is also quite controversial. This study tries to interpret and evaluate, through a thorough examination, the fundamental structure of Chien's philosophical standpoint, and his application of the Confucian concepts and ideas. The author argues that, although most of Chien's contemporary critics have treated him as a conservative Confucian scholar, yet in dealing with China's challenge of modernization, Chien's basic issue has always been a genuinely modern one. Not only does Chien's entire life's work of interpreting Chinese history revaluate the fundamental essence of the culture, his concept of value also reveals a new attempt to reestablish the Confucian system in accord with his idea of the modern scholarship.
起訖頁 85-111
關鍵詞 中國現代學術史中國儒學中國史學中國哲學錢穆China studiesmodern Chinese historymodern Chinese thoughtConfucianismChinese philosophy of valueChien Mu
刊名 臺大文史哲學報  
期數 200905 (70期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 十六世紀末中韓使節關於陽明學的論辨及其意義――以許篈與袁黃為中心
該期刊-下一篇 光復初期臺大文學院的轉折與奠基莊長恭與傅斯年校長時期 (1948.06~1950.12)




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