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Nosos [νόσος]: Plague, Disorder, Disease, and Sophocles' Oedipus Tyrannus
作者 張玉燕
The statement that the plague at Thebes depicted in ”Oedipus Tyrannus” alludes to the plague at Athens is highly speculative, since the date of this play is uncertain. Admittedly, ”Oedipus Tyrannus”, like most classical Greek tragedies, grafts the fifth-century scenario unto its heroic background; however, the plague scene in this play does not necessarily refer to any specific event. Based on the observation that the entire intellectual, cultural, and social situation of the fifth century B.C. may well be reflected in the tragedy, this paper attempts to explore the multiple senses of Sophocles' inventive portrayal of the plague, of the quest for the cause of disease and human suffering, and of the conflicting attitudes towards the religious medical treatment. In this light, the term anachronism revealed in ”Oedipus Tyrannus” may integrate the following concepts: to impose the past onto the present, to reverse the order of time, to conduct a retrospective investigation, and to re-map a chronological etiological trajectory.
起訖頁 223-250
關鍵詞 瘟疫疾病時代錯置索福克里斯伊底帕斯王plaguediseaseanachronismSophoclesOedipus Tyrannus
刊名 臺大文史哲學報  
期數 200811 (69期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 特洛伊戰場上的情誼──史詩《伊里亞德》中的賓主之誼
該期刊-下一篇 視覺與文本的交融──《名人堂》中的方言視界與書寫




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