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The Stranger's Friendship on the Battlefield: The Performance of Xenia in the 'Iliad'
作者 蔡秀枝
本文主要是在探討古希臘時期存在於兩個異邦家族間的賓主之誼(xenia, guest-friendship),如何在荷馬史詩《伊里亞德》(the Iliad)的戰場中呈現為希臘生活哲學中的基本倫理規範。賓主之誼乃是出門在外的希臘旅人於他鄉異地時,與留宿並盛情款待他的他鄉知遇主人發展出家族間的賓主情誼,而這樣的情誼也是古希臘人用以鞏固家族與城邦間同盟關係的方法。本文將以《伊里亞德》第六章裏,戴奧米迪斯(Diomedes)與葛勞可斯(Glaucus)這兩位互相敵對的驍勇主將如何在戰場中確認其祖父輩們之間曾建立起的賓主之誼,因而握手言歡,互贈禮物為起始,探討荷馬史詩《伊里亞德》第六章的敘事如何將戰場空間轉化為社會空間,並且在此轉換的空間中,藉由對賓主之誼這個倫理規範的闡述與演繹,生產並強化倫理與宗教、文化、政治間的互相關聯。
This paper aims to study the meeting of Diomedes and Glaucus in Book 6 of the ”Iliad” in relation to the practice of the religious and cultural code of xenia (guest-friendship), which the ancient Greeks formulated as the major institution for consolidating the inter-household and intercity relationships. In the literary world of the ”Iliad”, xenia is vividly represented in several places as the Greek warriors' respect for the cultural institution and for the philosophy of ethics and morality that lies behind it. The episode of Diomedes and Glaucus' confrontation with each other on the battlefield in the Trojan War from Book 6, the ”Iliad”, is examined as an example to demonstrate the importance of this ethical code. The description of the two great warriors' refusal to fight with each other on the battlefield provides a social and cultural space to elucidate the significance of this religious and cultural custom. Through this, the epic narrative transforms the battlefield into a social space of production where ethics and the religious and cultural code reinforce each other's necessity and importance in a society that obeys not just the edicts of the kings but also the law of Olympus.
起訖頁 185-221
關鍵詞 荷馬伊里亞德賓主之誼城邦社會空間Homerthe Iliadxenia (guest-friendship)polissocial space
刊名 臺大文史哲學報  
期數 200811 (69期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 違犯.錯置.污染――臺灣當代詩的屎尿書寫
該期刊-下一篇 瘟疫、疾病與索福克里斯的《伊底帕斯王》




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