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On Guan-jian (關楗), Guan-yue (管籥) and Suo-chi (鎖匙): From the Perspective of Lexical History
作者 楊秀芳
This paper argues from the perspective of lexical history that guan-jian (關楗), guan-yue (管籥) and suo-chi (鎖匙) are related in terms of their lexical development. In early texts, guan (管) might signify a locking-bar, both the lock and the locking-bar, or the key that opens the lock. This phenomenon of multiple referents shows a special kind of lexical derivation in a set of words or word family that is closely related in form or usage. Given the relationship between them, it is quite understandable why one form’s name could be used to denote the other or vice versa. This usage leads to duplication. Many philologists define guan and jian or guan and yue, by using suo and chi. This is because as the objects that the terms guan and jian refer to were improved overtime, their appearance increasingly resembled suo and chi. Through lexical replacement, we can see how suo and chi came to connote the implements used for securing a door. This is a clear example of how words are replaced in the history.
起訖頁 79-97
關鍵詞 詞族詞彙史詞彙替代word familylexical historylexical replacement
刊名 臺大文史哲學報  
期數 200811 (69期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 「名」與「言」――中日語言哲學之演繹及啟示
該期刊-下一篇 荀子的政治化和倫理化的語言哲學――一個系統性的詮釋、建構、比較與評論




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